« Le Massacre des Banu Qurayza » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 13 : Ligne 13 :
Si elle n'accepte pas la paix avec toi et qu'elle veuille te faire la guerre, alors tu l'assiégeras. Et après que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, l'aura livrée entre tes mains, tu en feras passer tous les mâles au fil de l'épée. Mais tu prendras pour toi les femmes, les enfants, le bétail, tout ce qui sera dans la ville, tout son butin, et tu mangeras les dépouilles de tes ennemis que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, t'aura livrés.}}
Si elle n'accepte pas la paix avec toi et qu'elle veuille te faire la guerre, alors tu l'assiégeras. Et après que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, l'aura livrée entre tes mains, tu en feras passer tous les mâles au fil de l'épée. Mais tu prendras pour toi les femmes, les enfants, le bétail, tout ce qui sera dans la ville, tout son butin, et tu mangeras les dépouilles de tes ennemis que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, t'aura livrés.}}

Although modern Muslims cite this verse in justification of Mu'adh's verdict, it should be noted that neither Jewish nor Christian tradition understands this verse as a blanket rule for warfare, but rather as a specific command to the Jews under the command of Joshua who were fighting the pagan peoples of the Holy Land. It has not, generally, been used by either religion to justify the sort of massacre that took place in Medina in other historical contexts.
Bien que les Musulmans modernes citent ce verset pour justifier le verdict de Mu'adh, il convient de noter que ni la tradition Juive ni la tradition Chrétienne ne comprennent ce verset comme une règle générale pour la guerre, mais plutôt comme un commandement spécifique aux Juifs sous le commandement de Josué qui combattaient les peuples païens de la Terre Sainte. Il n'a généralement pas été utilisé par l'une ou l'autre religion pour justifier le genre de massacre qui a eu lieu à Médine dans d'autres contextes historiques.

The prisoners, thus condemned, were kept in the house or compound of a Muslim woman d. Al-Harith of the banu al-Najjaar tribe. In the morning they were marched out to a trench which had been dug in the city's market, and executed by decapitation <ref>ibid, 465</ref> . According to the sira of ibn Ishaq, one woman was amongst them. The other women and the children were given as sexual and labor slaves to the Muslims, with only boys who had not yet reached puberty being allowed to live. According to the sira, the haul of weapons and plunder was substantial, but Muhammad still sent some of the women and children to be sold in the Najd for more horses and weapons <ref>ibid, 466</ref>. Muhammad as was custom received his pick of the loot including his pick of the females, a beautiful Jewish named Rayhana whose husband was decapitated, and the rest went to all the rest of the Muslims, with a Muslim on horse receiving 3 times the spoils of a foot soldier <ref>ibid, 466</ref>.
The prisoners, thus condemned, were kept in the house or compound of a Muslim woman d. Al-Harith of the banu al-Najjaar tribe. In the morning they were marched out to a trench which had been dug in the city's market, and executed by decapitation <ref>ibid, 465</ref> . According to the sira of ibn Ishaq, one woman was amongst them. The other women and the children were given as sexual and labor slaves to the Muslims, with only boys who had not yet reached puberty being allowed to live. According to the sira, the haul of weapons and plunder was substantial, but Muhammad still sent some of the women and children to be sold in the Najd for more horses and weapons <ref>ibid, 466</ref>. Muhammad as was custom received his pick of the loot including his pick of the females, a beautiful Jewish named Rayhana whose husband was decapitated, and the rest went to all the rest of the Muslims, with a Muslim on horse receiving 3 times the spoils of a foot soldier <ref>ibid, 466</ref>.
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