« Le Hijab (voile islamique) » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 182 : Ligne 182 :
En plus de l’emploi générique de barrières physiques partout où les hommes et les femmes sont présents, il y a la pratique plus spécifique du "hijab domestique". L’idée de séparer les visiteurs masculins et féminins chez soi est inspirée à la fois par des récits (hadiths) qui décrivent cette pratique dans la maison de Muhammad, mais fait aussi une allusion coranique ([https://coran-seul.com/index.php/verset?sourate=33&verset=53 33:53]). Selon les hadiths, la révélation indépendante concernant le hijab domestique était également inspirée par la situation. Ici, l’histoire est que Muhammad avait des visiteurs et a été peiné de les trouver en train de discuter avec ses épouses après le dîner.  
En plus de l’emploi générique de barrières physiques partout où les hommes et les femmes sont présents, il y a la pratique plus spécifique du "hijab domestique". L’idée de séparer les visiteurs masculins et féminins chez soi est inspirée à la fois par des récits (hadiths) qui décrivent cette pratique dans la maison de Muhammad, mais fait aussi une allusion coranique ([https://coran-seul.com/index.php/verset?sourate=33&verset=53 33:53]). Selon les hadiths, la révélation indépendante concernant le hijab domestique était également inspirée par la situation. Ici, l’histoire est que Muhammad avait des visiteurs et a été peiné de les trouver en train de discuter avec ses épouses après le dîner.  
{{quote |{{Bukhari|6|60|314}}; see also {{Bukhari|6|60|315}}|Narrated Anas bin Malik:  
{{quote |{{Bukhari|6|60|314}}; voir également {{Bukhari|6|60|315}}|Rapporté par Anas ibn Malik :  

When Allah's Apostle married Zainab bint Jahsh, he invited the people to a meal. They took the meal and remained sitting and talking. Then the Prophet (showed them) as if he is ready to get up, yet they did not get up. When he noticed that (there was no response to his movement), he got up, and the others too, got up except three persons who kept on sitting. The Prophet came back in order to enter his house, but he went away again. Then they left, whereupon I set out and went to the Prophet to tell him that they had departed, so he came and entered his house. '''I wanted to enter along with him, but he put a screen between me and him. Then Allah revealed: '''
Quand le Messager d’Allah (ﷺ) a épousé Zaynab bint Jahsh, il a invité les gens à un repas. Ils ont pris le repas et sont restés assis et parler. Puis le Prophète (leur a montré) comme s’il était prêt à se lever, mais ils ne se sont pas levés. Quand il a remarqué que (il n’y avait aucune réponse à son mouvement), il s’est levé, ainsi que les autres, sauf trois personnes qui sont restées assises. Le Prophète (ﷺ) est revenu pour entrer dans sa maison, mais il est reparti. Puis ils sont partis, après quoi je suis allé voir le Prophète (ﷺ) pour lui dire qu’ils étaient partis, alors il est revenu et est rentré dans sa maison. <b>Je voulais entrer avec lui, mais il a mis un écran entre lui et moi. Alors Allah révéla : "Ô vous qui croyez ! N'entrez pas dans les demeures du Prophète…" (33.53)</b>}}
''''O you who believe! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet...' (33.53)''' }}

{{quote |{{Bukhari|6|60|316}}; see also {{Bukhari|6|60|317}} & {{Bukhari|7|62|95}}|Narrated Anas:  
{{quote |{{Bukhari|6|60|316}}; see also {{Bukhari|6|60|317}} & {{Bukhari|7|62|95}}|Narrated Anas:  
Ligne 195 : Ligne 194 :
that he was a boy of ten at the time when the Prophet emigrated to Medina. He added: I served Allah's Apostle for ten years (the last part of his life time) and I know more than the people about the occasion whereupon the order of Al-Hijab was revealed (to the Prophet). Ubai b n Ka'b used to ask me about it. It was revealed (for the first time) during the marriage of Allah's Apostle with Zainab bint Jahsh. In the morning, the Prophet was a bride-groom of her and he Invited the people, who took their meals and went away, but a group of them remained with Allah's Apostle and they prolonged their stay. Allah's Apostle got up and went out, and I too, went out along with him till he came to the lintel of 'Aisha's dwelling place. Allah's Apostle thought that those people had left by then, so he returned, and I too, returned with him till he entered upon Zainab and found that they were still sitting there and had not yet gone. The Prophet went out again, and so did I with him till he reached the lintel of 'Aisha's dwelling place, and then he thought that those people must have left by then, so he returned, and so did I with him, and found those people had gone.''' At that time the Divine Verse of Al-Hijab was revealed, and the Prophet set a screen between me and him (his family).''' }}
that he was a boy of ten at the time when the Prophet emigrated to Medina. He added: I served Allah's Apostle for ten years (the last part of his life time) and I know more than the people about the occasion whereupon the order of Al-Hijab was revealed (to the Prophet). Ubai b n Ka'b used to ask me about it. It was revealed (for the first time) during the marriage of Allah's Apostle with Zainab bint Jahsh. In the morning, the Prophet was a bride-groom of her and he Invited the people, who took their meals and went away, but a group of them remained with Allah's Apostle and they prolonged their stay. Allah's Apostle got up and went out, and I too, went out along with him till he came to the lintel of 'Aisha's dwelling place. Allah's Apostle thought that those people had left by then, so he returned, and I too, returned with him till he entered upon Zainab and found that they were still sitting there and had not yet gone. The Prophet went out again, and so did I with him till he reached the lintel of 'Aisha's dwelling place, and then he thought that those people must have left by then, so he returned, and so did I with him, and found those people had gone.''' At that time the Divine Verse of Al-Hijab was revealed, and the Prophet set a screen between me and him (his family).''' }}

==See also==
==Voir également==

*[[Convenient Revelations]]
*[https://wikiislam.net/wiki/La_Revelation_sur_le_Hijab#Raisonnement_sur_le_Hijab La révélation sur le hijab]
*[[Coran, hadiths et savants : Le hijab]]

==External links==
==Liens externes==

*[https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/04/13/why-dress-codes-cant-stop-sexual-assault/ Why dress codes can’t stop sexual assault] - Washington Post
*[https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/04/13/why-dress-codes-cant-stop-sexual-assault/ Why dress codes can’t stop sexual assault (Pourquoi les codes vestimentaires ne peuvent pas arrêter les agressions sexuelles - En anglais)] - Washington Post

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